Tantric North East

Experience the Art of Tantric Massage.

Indulge in the ultimate relaxation and rejuvenation with our expert tantric massage therapy. Discover the profound benefits of yoni and lingam massage, coupled with soothing bodywork techniques. We also offer psychosexual therapy to enhance your overall well-being.

Our team

Our team consists of highly qualified and motivated professionals, who are all experts in their field. With many years of experience in the industry, they have the expertise to provide comprehensive, first-rate services to our clients.

Yoni massage 

Explore your femininity 

Yoni massage is a type of sensual massage that focuses on the genital area of a person with a vulva, also known as the yoni. It originated in ancient Eastern practices and is often associated with Tantric traditions. It is important to note that yoni massage should only be performed with clear consent and in a safe and consensual manner. Communication, trust, and boundaries are crucial aspects of this practice. Many practitioners recommend setting clear intentions, focusing on relaxation and pleasure, and maintaining open and honest communication throughout the session.

Lingham massage

Embrace your masculinity 

This is a Sensual  massage, when receiving a massage, gentlemen will explore and uncover their sensual urges. As every part of your is massage to the point of an explosive ejection from a sensual penis massage . After receiving a massage, you become more aware o your needs, wants, and desires of your body. The male genitalia is worshipped during the massage with the goal to create a profound sensation of connection, warmth, and comfort through the caressing, adoration, and seductive stroking of your entire body.

Psychosexual Therapy

Understanding your mind to embrace you sexuality 

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing with our psychosexual therapy sessions, aimed at addressing emotional blockages and cultivating sexual empowerment.

Body work/ Sex surrogate therapy

Explore your bodyscalone or together 

Single and couples will lean to explore there own and each others body.  Using the art of tantra, sensual touch, stimulation experience and role play understand. Before you can please other you must first full know how to please you.

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